
Friday 28 July 2017

SEO Website Analysis: Finding Ways to Unlock Opportunities for Growth

It is no secret that regularly reviewing what you’re doing and improving upon it is one of the keys to success, online marketing included. Conducting regular website audits can easily help you and your clients find opportunities for further growth. With that in mind, here are a few questions you need to ask yourself and find the answers to whenever you perform an SEO website analysis for your clients:

Which High-Traffic Pages Have Speed Performance Issues?

It may not be immediately obvious to many people, but page load speed is an actual ranking factor. Although slow loading pages are not necessarily penalized, Google does prioritize presenting pages that load quickly. Identify which high-traffic pages have speed performance issues and optimize them to load faster. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2xgK8Co

Friday 21 July 2017

Understanding How White Label Local SEO Can Help Increase Your Clients’ Presence and Sales

Online advertisers are constantly on the lookout for marketing techniques that can yield high returns. Many are already familiar with the most effective ones, particularly search engine optimization (SEO). While investing in traditional SEO alone makes good business sense, it doesn’t hurt to incorporate another highly efficient solution called Local SEO.

Technically, local SEO is also SEO except that it optimizes on-site and off-site SEO properties for clients who may be searching for products and services in a particular location. If you are advertising a local business, you can use local SEO to target consumers that are searching either specifically for your enterprise or for any businesses nearby that offer the same products and services. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wK439u

Friday 14 July 2017

Why You Should Let a White Label Service Digital Marketing Agency Help Your Clients

When it comes to developing your client’s online presence, your company has to be quick on its feet and flexible enough to be able to adapt to any situation that may come its way. The digital landscape can be swift and unforgiving, and if you’re not ready to deal with it, you may very well be left behind.

Understandably, though, this can prove to be a very tall order especially for companies who are not really that equipped to deal with this approach to marketing and services. There has to be another solution however, and preferably, it’s not going to involve giving up on your clients’ campaigns.

One great way to survive the digital race despite not having the in-house knowledge and talent for it is by subscribing to a white label service. In a nutshell, white label services allow digital marketing companies to better cater to their clients by implementing innovations in technology or marketing strategies, but without having to develop these by themselves. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2wJSsYn

Thursday 13 July 2017

White Label SEO Audit Tool: More Pages Doesn’t Mean Higher Rankings

It’s funny how some myths continue to persist even if they have been debunked so many times in the past. Unfortunately, the internet marketing world is not immune from these misconceptions. Even more unfortunate, clinging on to a myth can sometimes do extensive harm to a business. For instance, despite Google’s very own Matt Cutts admitting that having a large number of pages doesn’t equal higher rankings on the search engine, plenty of people still cling on to the idea that it does.

As a white label SEO reseller, perhaps a client has asked you before if you can improve website ranking by adding more indexed pages. If your answer is yes, then it’s time to change your tune.

“I wouldn’t assume that just because you have a large number of indexed pages that you automatically get a high-ranking. That’s not the case,” Cutts said in the video where he debunked the myth. He adds that although having many webpages on your site can attract a large number of backlinks, having too many links may instead yield the opposite result, because Google can penalize a site for this. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vejWWH

The Most In-Demand White Label Services: SEO, Social Media, and Web Design

With the popularity of the internet as an information resource and e-commerce platform, businesses are constantly fighting for visibility on Google search results. This is what makes digital marketing a very lucrative industry for modern marketers.

Businesses want to be visible the moment a customer searches for them on Google and they want a memorable website that impresses customers. On top of that, they want a presence on social media platforms as a way to reel in leads and engage with customers. Not surprisingly, internet marketing and its myriad of strategies including SEO, social media, and web design have become some of the most sought after services among entrepreneurs and small businesses. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2uaCkxq

Thursday 6 July 2017

White Label Web Design: The Questions to Ask Your Web Design Clients

You have sealed the deal with a client and are ready to start working on their web design for them. What’s next? Although it can be exciting to tackle a new project, it wouldn’t be wise to jump into the web design aspect of things without consulting your client first. Virtual Group, your white label web design service provider, lists what you must ask your client before commencing the site development.

Ask about their brand

What does the business want their brand to communicate? To whom do they market? What products or services do they offer? What is the unique selling point (USP) that differentiates them from their competitors? A website needs to be built around the client’s branding, and answering these questions will tell you which direction to take with the web design. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vdIMpC

Wednesday 5 July 2017

White Label Social Media Management: How to Harness Personalization

More and more companies are shifting their marketing efforts from general to personal. With customers being bombarded by so many marketing and content, the pressure on brands to retain customers and capture new ones is building up by the minute. This is the reason businesses are making their messages more personal—to establish a deep and direct connection with their customers, and ultimately, to achieve a long-term business relationships with them.

Unfortunately, many companies are still stumbling and fumbling with their personalization efforts. Some are even not utilizing it, despite knowing that it can improve customer engagement. According to some sources, as much as 80 percent of marketers are still not personalizing their marketing strategies. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2vOBKpJ

Monday 3 July 2017

White Label Social Media Marketing: 5 Biggest Trends to Keep an Eye On

Efficient social media marketing contains the perfect mix of working strategies. With that in mind, basing these strategies on the latest and best trends is a common theme among the most successful social media marketers, and is one of the soundest ideas you can practice. Here are five of the best social media marketing trends that you can follow today.

Users are demanding more immersive experiences

It’s no longer enough to post updates about an event—you need to make users feel what it’s like to be there. Tools such as live feeds and real-time posting are just some of the techniques that you can use. The idea is to make users feel that they are experiencing the event with you as it unfolds. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2uaiOBt